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My New Strata Defects Shoppe
After all my recent huffing and puffing about strata title building defects, I realised that I better get on and do something more constructive. So, I’ve started a new service that offers different and better ways to handle defect issues for strata stakeholders.
Australian Strata Levy Finance Options [An Update]
An update and correction about Australian strata levy arrears funding options [with my apologies].
Going, Going, Gone! Thoughts on Collective Strata Building Sales
Everyone thought that the new forced strata sales and redevelopment process would lead to many old and dated strata building sites being redeveloped. But, that hasn’t happened and it’s fair to say collective sales have had a [very] slow start. Why is that, and what’s likely in the future?
Other Ways with Overdue Strata Levies
Unpaid strata levies have bedeviled strata buildings, committees, and managers since the second quarter of the first strata building. But, given the unique nature and characteristics of strata buildings, strata levies, and, strata owner obligations, maybe we’ve been looking at this problem from the wrong perspective.
Is Australia Running out of Apartments?
Another short sharp pointer to interesting and newsworthy strata stuff …
Converting Company Title Buildings to Strata: A 2021 Update
Before strata title, most privately held apartments were under company title structures. Many survive today and have a band of loyal adherents. But, many have and want to convert to strata title. Here’s an updated guide to the process and key issues.
Are Strata Buildings Child and Family Unfriendly?
Is it possible that strata apartments are unwelcoming to children and families? And, is that just due to design issues? If so, perhaps we should rethink our approach and make strata title a better place for families with children.
Strata Defect Week Continues with News of Another Major NSW Strata Defect Claim
Another short sharp pointer to interesting and newsworthy strata stuff …
An Agile Approach to Strata Building Defects
The old ways of doing things no longer work in many parts of our social, economic and personal activities. And, strata building defect claims are handled the same way today as they did were 25 years ago. So, I’m looking to innovations in the tech world for new and better strategies for handling strata building defects.
Strata Building Defects Typologies Overviewed
Since strata building defects have been commonplace for a long time we should be able to know the types [and frequency] of them occurring with fairly high certainty. But, as this article highlights, there’s a surprising lack of information available and most of it has limited cross applicability.
The High Court's Decision in Brookfield's Case
A bit like Ali v Frazier, I think that whilst strata building defect negligence claims have taken a solid blow from the High Court’s decision in Brookfield’s Case, the fight ain’t over yet. Maybe strata buildings just need a new coach, some training to get match ready, and, some new moves; then they can stage a strata defects negligence comeback.
Online Strata Defect Claim Information & Guides Reviewed
In the modern world there’s a webpage, online tutorial or app for almost everything you can think of. So, what exists for strata building defects? Where can you go online to get help with your strata defects? And, is the online information, and are online tools for strata building defect claims actually useful?
Suing for Strata Building Defects: A 2021 Update
Since most strata buildings don’t have home building insurance [as they’re over 3 storeys] and even where insurance exists it is ‘last resort’, they have to sue the builder [and sometimes others to get defects fixed. So, it’s time we all brushed up on the basics and not so basics of suing for strata building defects.
Revisiting ABC News’ ‘A Legacy of Defects’
In 2019 there was a flurry of news and activity around Australian strata building defects as research was published, the Opal Tower structural issues hit the news, and there was an exposé by the ABC. So, let’s revisit this news to see if anything has changed.
Another Dog Gets Lost in the NSW Strata Pet Wilderness
After the dramatic and clear changes that Cooper’s Case and the 2021 strata pet law reforms have made to the situation for strata pets in NSW, it seems not everyone got [or read] the memo. So, in this article, I look at a recent NCAT decision that looks to be a bit out of kilter [at least to me].
Don't Fear the Smart Home that's Coming Your Way
Don't Fear the Smart Home that's Coming Your Way: But, perhaps it’s coming a little more slowly to your strata apartment ...
When Strata Owners Vote
Despite their number, wealth, and ability to coordinate and act collectively, strata owners have not been effectively represented in politics and government all around Australia. Why is that? Here’s an overview of the experiences so far and some ideas for the future.
A Different Approach to Strata Building Operations: [Part 1] Organising Activities
We’ve been categorising the things that strata buildings do according to the way strata laws have defined them. But after 50 years, it seems to me there’s a better way to think about strata activities, decisions, and communication that is more logical, practical, and efficient.
Does Your Apartment Need Some Therapy?
If we improve the strata space we live in, will our strata life [and others’] be better? I think so, and know it certainly can’t be worse.