2021's Magnificent Seven

My 7 'Best' strata writings over the last 12 months …

What’s the verdict after a year of articles about strata title matters? What were the best [or at least the most popular] articles, and, what were the other highlights of a year of my strata writings?

[3:25 minutes estimated reading time, 637 words]

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I started the GoStrata Stak in December 2020 and described it as follows in the lead article ‘Go-To thinking about strata's past, present & future:  Or, my various musings on strata title stuff ...’.

Here you’ll find interesting, insightful and [hopefully] stimulating writing by me [and occasional guests] about more nuanced issues that affect high-density real estate [strata] stakeholders and the buildings they own, use, manage, fix and govern.

The site and newsletter is ad and sponsorship free, doesn’t promote anyone or anything else, and isn’t aligned with any group/s. Plus, I’m not trying to sell you anything [except a paid subscription if you see value].

I hope I’ve kept to my plant.

The 2021 stats

So, here are the big picture statistics for 2021.

  • There were 198 published GoStrata Stak articles.

  • Which included a total of 223,900 words.

  • Taking an estimated 1,105 minutes [184 hours] reading time.

  • Viewed by 194,713 readers so far.

The most popular articles of 2021

Here are the 5 most popular GoStrata Stak articles from 2021 in order.

1.     The Dogs of Strata War or The By-Law is Dead: Long Live the By-Law: Cooper’s Case about by-laws deconstructed …

Where I analyse the landmark NSW Court of Appeal case about pet ban [and other] by-laws.

2.     Heaven Can Wait ... But strata issues shouldn’t:  Why can’t we get modern service standards in strata ….

An article that highlights the speed [or lack of it] in strata management service levels with a telling real-life experience.

3.     NSW Strata Law Reform Déjà vu:  Shall we do this strata law reform one more time …

In which I suggest that the latest NSW strata law reform processes have been done before [more than once] with pretty average results.

4.     PSST … Wanna be a Strata Committee Member?: What’s wrong with strata committees, why & what to do about it …

My musings about why strata owners don’t want to be strata committee members.

5.     Australian Strata Disputes Analysed by the Numbers:  Is there really a strata dispute problem, when formal dispute numbers are so low …

My review of published Australian strata disputes numbers and why they are so low.

A few other 2021 highlights

And, here are my personal choices for another 2 top GoStata articles from 2021.

6.     The analysis of NSW strata laws for the current reform agenda which comprised a series of 8 detailed and carefully thought-out articles and which culminated in my submission of 113 ideas and suggestions to the NSW Department of Fair Trading and that are summarised in Strata Reforms [NSW]: Stage 1 Wrap Up: My 113 ideas & suggestions about the initial discussion paper & questions …

Very timely now that the NSW Government has issued its own thoughts on strata law reforms.  I wonder if we reached the same conclusions or not?

7.     My diatribe on a more esoteric feature of strata titling, namely the inherent balancing required between the interests of individual strata owners and the collective of strata owners in relation to almost every aspect of strata building operations in The Dilemma of One v. Many in Strata Buildings: Part 1: Why the essential nature of a strata title scheme remains enigmatic …

Which highlights what I think is really at the heart of all ‘difficult to resolve’ strata issues that stakeholders are forced to fit into existing models that are built for strata title.

It’s been a fun 12 months where I’ve enjoyed stretching my strata brain.    I hope you’ve enjoyed stretching yours too.

I know that 2022 will be even more fun.

December 31, 2021

Francesco …


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