Re Introducing GoStrata Stak
Or, more go-to thinking about strata's past, present & future ...
To start 2022 off, I’m re-acquainting readers with GoStrata Stak. The what, why, where, and, how of my various musings on strata title stuff.
[1.00 minutes estimated reading time, 220 words]
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I’m a long-term strata junkie, thinker, and operator.
And, as my first strata initiative for the current decade, I created the GoStrata Stak in December 2020.
At GoStrata Stak you’ll find interesting, insightful and [hopefully] stimulating writing by me [and occasional guests] about more nuanced issues that affect high-density real estate [strata] stakeholders and the buildings they own, use, manage, fix and govern.
The site and newsletter is advertisement and sponsorship free, doesn’t promote anyone or anything else, and isn’t aligned with any groups. Plus, I’m not trying to sell you anything [except a paid subscription if you see value in my writing].
Either way, you’ll just get my thoughts and views about strata stuff affected only by my experiences and my biases.
I usually publish a few articles a week comprising a mixture of new writing, analyses, and thinking, as well as some of my older [but still elevant] papers, articles, and presentations plus interesting news items that get my attention.
I hope you enjoy my GoStrata Stak during 2022.
January 18, 2022
Francesco …