Strata Owners’ Meeting Refreshers for 2021
Or, getting strata owners’ meetings right isn’t always easy …
Since we’ve all been to hundreds [or thousands] of strata owners’ meetings, we treat them as routine. But, they’re a complex outcome of many technical and cross-dependent elements which can unexpectedly unravel at or after the meeting.
So, it’s time for some strata owners’ meeting refreshers.
[1:75 minutes estimated reading time, 320 words]
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Introducing strata owners’ meetings refreshers
I had to attend a strata owners’ meeting recently where there were a few contentious issues and it became very messy.
It reminded me that whilst running meetings to make effective decisions is one of the most important functions of a strata building and strata manager; because they happen so often most people think they are easy. So, they become relaxed and run meetings on autopilot until suddenly a hard issue pops up and things go sideways quickly. Or, worse still, important and invalid decisions unknowingly get made that unravel later.
After all, there’s actually a lot of complexity to convening, notifying, holding and reporting strata owners’ meetings.
As a result, it’s very likely there’s been and will be plenty of invalid decisions in strata buildings.
So, it’s time for a few strata meeting refreshers from me over the next few months.
I’ll cover the larger strata states [Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland] unless there’s demand from other states and I’ll do that in 4 parts as follows:
Setting it all up
Voters and entitlements
Running the meeting
Minutes and other records
There’ll be both an overview article with general information and guidance for everyone, and, a more detailed article covering issues more carefully and with references to applicable laws and cases for paying subscribers [find out more about subscription here].
So, watch out for my strata owners’ meeting refresher articles every Wednesday.
And, if you’re interested in similar refreshers for other states, let me know at
October 04, 2021
Francesco …