More National Strata Apartment Research

Get online for the releases of AAA's national strata apartment research ...

The more we know the better we can be. So, next’s week’s release of the Australian Apartment Advocacy’s research into the strata sector is another opportunity to learn more. I’ll be there [virtually], will you …


[1.00 minute estimated reading time, 186 words]

After 3 months of undertaking research earlier this year and postponing the original June launch due to recent Covid-19 related lockdowns, Australian Apartment Advocacy is ready to go again; at least virtually.

After analysing 3600 responses received from apartment owners around the nation and Australian Apartment Advocacy says it has some great news to share about the impact of COVID, what owners love about their apartments, and, what they would buy next.

So, they will be hosting two briefing sessions on Tuesday 27 July 2021: one for the development sector; and; the other for strata owners and strata buildings.

The briefing for developers & property sector will run from 12.30 pm (AEST) on 27 July. To register click here.

The briefing for strata owners & strata buildings will be run from 6.00 pm (AEST) on 27 July. To register click here.


Great work Australian Apartment Advocacy

See you [???] there.

July 22, 2021

Francesco …


Wake Up!!! Sleepy Strata Buildings


Covid-19, Pets & Strata in 2021