Making a Century
Of, GoStrata Stak articles so far ...
It hasn’t taken long, but after only starting GoStrata Stak in December 2019, I’ve now published 100 articles [short, long, simple, complex, technical, topical, and more] …
Today I reached a century at the strata article writing crease … and in less than 6 months.
When I started this blog (in December 2019) I thought it would do a few things:
keep me in touch with and in practice on strata title issues,
let me share what I know (and find out) about strata,
give me a place to express my thoughts and ideas, and
keep me out of trouble.
What I didn’t realise [or had forgotten] was how much there is to find and share in strataland and how widely the topics that relate to strata really are. And, I've been surprised by how many people read, like, share and follow my articles and how much I enjoy doing it.
So, I hope you’re enjoying them too and have chosen to share them with your colleagues and customers.
So, watch out …. here comes my double century!
May 01, 2021
Francesco …